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On 30th Deptember 2022, 87 nations in the United Nations adopted a resolution to ask the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to present an advisory opinion in which the ‘Israeli occupation and discrimination of the non-Jews in Israel’ will be condemned. This request is very meaningful and it shows us how far we have come into the end times.
This request had everything to do with the question who has the legal authority to reign over Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem and (which encompasses the Old City with the Temple Mount ). Many nations want to divide Jerusalem and want East Jerusalem to become the capital of a Palestinian state.
The ICJ accepted this request and the nations were invited to submit their respective visions no later than 25 July 2023.

Further investigation and exchange:
In the beginning of 2023 I heard many different opinions about what was going to happen in The Hague. Because of this I decided to contact the Embassy of Israel and ask what the procedures (of the ICJ) are and what can be expected.
On 16 June 2023 I had an appointment at the Embassy of Israel and asked them about the situation mentioned above. During the appointment in the office of the Ambassador, the procedures were clearly explained.
Till 25 July (2023) the nations can send in their vision on the subject. In October the ICJ will give a first formal response in which, among others, they will communicate which nations have sent in a vision.
In November (2023) follows the already planned election of the new judges who will be installed in January 2024. The expectation is that the case will be handled further after that.
In my further research with legal experts: I asked them what the consequences will be – because the advisory opinion of the ICJ will not be binding – I was given the response that they expects the advisory opinion to be negative for Israel. This advisory opinion will go to the UN in New York. There the nations will vote and the expectation is that the nations will act in line with the advisory opinion, and then the advisory opinion will be binding and this can cause great problems for Israel.
This case is extremely important and problematic for Israel.
When I let everything I heard to penetrate, I started to pray about this. What could I mean in this?
This is a world level business and who am I, that I can mean something in this matter, what is biblical so very important.
In the days following, during my prayer time on the beach, I kept receiving the word TRIAL.
A trial in The Hague, another trial than the one that is happening in the ICJ, in the Peace Palace, of which the real name is ‘Temple of Peace’. I asked for a confirmation in the Scripture. At that moment I was reading in the Minor Prophets and had reached Joel 3,1-2: ‘For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jeho¬shaphat; and I will enter into judgement with them there, on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they scattered among the nations; they have also divided My land’.
This struck me and I experienced it as a con¬firmation. After this I continued to pray about the trial.
I received an impression about a parallel trial in The Hague with representatives of the nations worldwide: spiritual leaders, politicians and lawyers.
Individuals who realise that the question that has been posed to the ICJ is very grave and who realise what the consequences will be if it will be decided that 1. Jerusalem has to be divided, 2. The Temple Mount has to be placed under the authority of the Palestinian Authority, 3. The reign of Israel over the heart land of Israel, Judea and Samaria, is illegal and these areas are occupied. There is the great danger of the establishment of a Pal-estinian State.
Believers who know the seriousness of the Word of God, and who realise that God will judge the nations that will divide the land of Israel and Jerusalem.
People who will stand up and declare on behalf of their nation: Jerusalem is God’s capital, out of this city the Torah (law) will go forth and not out of The Hague, and Judea and Samaria are the heart land of Israel.
I saw, as it were, a ‘heavenly trial’ before me.
In the same way as we read in Joel 3 that God will set up a trial, this sacred gathering in The Hague will be a prophetic picture of what will be set up by God Himself in the future.
As believers we cannot be silent, but we are called to engage in spiritual warfare for the Kingdom of God.
‘For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.’ (Ephesians 6:12)
I have brought this vision to the attention of several leaders and all responded and confirmed that this is from God. The God of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob.
On behalf of the International Conference for Truth, Justice and Peace foundation,
Jack van der Tang
For behold, in those days and at that time,
When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will also gather all nations,
And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there,
On account of My people,
My heritage Israel,
Whom they scattered among the nations;
They have also divided My land.
Joel 3:1-2